Wrangling (Census) data

You can follow along with the 02_wrangling_census_data file in the nicar-2024-tidycensus-viz project folder that you downloaded in the intro link.

The repo containing the data and scripts for this section is on Github. To install those files, run the lines of code below.


# Run this in the console of RStudio

To follow along with this walkthrough, simply run the lines of code in the gray boxes in the R console. Be sure to run them in order. If you run into an error, it may be because you skipped running some preceding lines of code.

Tidycensus functions

The basics to wrangle data

  • filter() gets rid of rows
  • mutate() adds columns to the dataframe
  • group_by() and summarize() will aggregate the data by groups
  • arrange() will sort the data
  • select() will help narrow down columns
  • Daisy chain all these functions together with |>

Case study: Racial plurality by county

View(vars) # and search for Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race

Load libraries


Download race Census data

county_diversity <- get_acs(geography = "county",
                            variables = c("B03002_001", # total
                                          "B03002_003", # white alone
                                          "B03002_004", # black alone
                                          "B03002_005", # native american
                                          "B03002_006", # asian alone
                                          "B03002_007", # pi alone
                                          "B03002_012" # hispanic or latino
Getting data from the 2018-2022 5-year ACS

# A tibble: 22,554 × 5
   GEOID NAME                    variable   estimate   moe
   <chr> <chr>                   <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>
 1 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_001    58761    NA
 2 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_003    42635   224
 3 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_004    11496   525
 4 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_005       59    71
 5 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_006      636   213
 6 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_007        0    30
 7 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_012     1864    NA
 8 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_001   233420    NA
 9 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_003   192161  1020
10 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_004    19318   730
# ℹ 22,544 more rows

Add a total population column

  • With an argument summary_var
county_diversity <- get_acs(geography = "county",
                            variables = c("B03002_003", # white alone
                                          "B03002_004", # black alone
                                          "B03002_005", # native american
                                          "B03002_006", # asian alone
                                          "B03002_007", # pi alone
                                          "B03002_012" # hispanic or latino
                            summary_var = "B03002_001", # total population
Getting data from the 2018-2022 5-year ACS

# A tibble: 19,332 × 7
   GEOID NAME                    variable estimate   moe summary_est summary_moe
   <chr> <chr>                   <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_…    42635   224       58761          NA
 2 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_…    11496   525       58761          NA
 3 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_…       59    71       58761          NA
 4 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_…      636   213       58761          NA
 5 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_…        0    30       58761          NA
 6 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_…     1864    NA       58761          NA
 7 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_…   192161  1020      233420          NA
 8 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_…    19318   730      233420          NA
 9 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_…      512   187      233420          NA
10 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_…     2046   347      233420          NA
# ℹ 19,322 more rows

Add a percent column

  • Using the dplyr library of data wrangling functions
  • mutate() to add a new column to the data frame

county_diversity <- county_diversity |>

# A tibble: 19,332 × 7
   GEOID NAME                    variable   estimate   moe summary_est percent
   <chr> <chr>                   <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_003    42635   224       58761  72.6  
 2 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_004    11496   525       58761  19.6  
 3 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_005       59    71       58761   0.100
 4 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_006      636   213       58761   1.08 
 5 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_007        0    30       58761   0    
 6 01001 Autauga County, Alabama B03002_012     1864    NA       58761   3.17 
 7 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_003   192161  1020      233420  82.3  
 8 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_004    19318   730      233420   8.28 
 9 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_005      512   187      233420   0.219
10 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama B03002_006     2046   347      233420   0.877
# ℹ 19,322 more rows

Add better variable names

  • case_when() to refactor values (within mutate())
  • .default is else or if none of the factors match
  • |> are the new pipes, aka “and then”
county_diversity_race <- county_diversity |>
    variable=="B03002_003" ~"White",
    variable=="B03002_004" ~"Black",
    variable=="B03002_005" ~"Native American",
    variable=="B03002_006" ~"Asian",
    variable=="B03002_007" ~"Pacific Islander",
    variable=="B03002_012" ~"Hispanic",
    .default = "Other"

# A tibble: 19,332 × 6
   GEOID NAME                    estimate summary_est percent race            
   <chr> <chr>                      <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>           
 1 01001 Autauga County, Alabama    42635       58761  72.6   White           
 2 01001 Autauga County, Alabama    11496       58761  19.6   Black           
 3 01001 Autauga County, Alabama       59       58761   0.100 Native American 
 4 01001 Autauga County, Alabama      636       58761   1.08  Asian           
 5 01001 Autauga County, Alabama        0       58761   0     Pacific Islander
 6 01001 Autauga County, Alabama     1864       58761   3.17  Hispanic        
 7 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama   192161      233420  82.3   White           
 8 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama    19318      233420   8.28  Black           
 9 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama      512      233420   0.219 Native American 
10 01003 Baldwin County, Alabama     2046      233420   0.877 Asian           
# ℹ 19,322 more rows

Group up some smaller groups

  • use group_by() to group up things
  • use summarize() to do something (usually math) on these groups
  • Let’s combine the population for Asian and Pacific Islander

Group up some smaller groups code

county_diversity_percent <- county_diversity |>
    variable=="B03002_003" ~"White",
    variable=="B03002_004" ~"Black",
    variable=="B03002_005" ~"Native American",
    variable=="B03002_006" ~"Asian Pacific Islander",
    variable=="B03002_007" ~"Asian Pacific Islander",
    variable=="B03002_012" ~"Hispanic",
    .default = "Other"
  )) |>
  group_by(GEOID, NAME, race) |>
  summarize(estimate=sum(estimate, na.rm=T),
            summary_est=mean(summary_est, na.rm=T)) |>
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'GEOID', 'NAME'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

# A tibble: 16,110 × 5
   NAME                    race                   estimate summary_est percent
   <chr>                   <chr>                     <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Autauga County, Alabama Asian Pacific Islander      636       58761   1.08 
 2 Autauga County, Alabama Black                     11496       58761  19.6  
 3 Autauga County, Alabama Hispanic                   1864       58761   3.17 
 4 Autauga County, Alabama Native American              59       58761   0.100
 5 Autauga County, Alabama White                     42635       58761  72.6  
 6 Baldwin County, Alabama Asian Pacific Islander     2068      233420   0.886
 7 Baldwin County, Alabama Black                     19318      233420   8.28 
 8 Baldwin County, Alabama Hispanic                  11210      233420   4.80 
 9 Baldwin County, Alabama Native American             512      233420   0.219
10 Baldwin County, Alabama White                    192161      233420  82.3  
# ℹ 16,100 more rows

Sort the data frame low to high

  • Use the arrange() function
county_diversity_percent |>
  group_by(NAME) |>
  arrange(NAME, percent)
# A tibble: 16,110 × 4
   NAME                             race                   estimate percent
   <chr>                            <chr>                     <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Abbeville County, South Carolina Native American              28  0.115 
 2 Abbeville County, South Carolina Asian Pacific Islander       58  0.238 
 3 Abbeville County, South Carolina Hispanic                    441  1.81  
 4 Abbeville County, South Carolina Black                      6372 26.1   
 5 Abbeville County, South Carolina White                     16658 68.4   
 6 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Native American              13  0.0225
 7 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Asian Pacific Islander       95  0.165 
 8 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Hispanic                   1780  3.09  
 9 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Black                      9511 16.5   
10 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         White                     44413 77.0   
# ℹ 16,100 more rows

Sort the data frame high to low

  • Use the arrange() function
  • Use the desc() function
county_diversity_percent_sorted <- county_diversity_percent |>
  group_by(NAME) |>
  arrange(NAME, desc(percent))

# A tibble: 16,110 × 5
   NAME                             race            estimate summary_est percent
   <chr>                            <chr>              <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Abbeville County, South Carolina White              16658       24368 68.4   
 2 Abbeville County, South Carolina Black               6372       24368 26.1   
 3 Abbeville County, South Carolina Hispanic             441       24368  1.81  
 4 Abbeville County, South Carolina Asian Pacific …       58       24368  0.238 
 5 Abbeville County, South Carolina Native American       28       24368  0.115 
 6 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         White              44413       57674 77.0   
 7 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Black               9511       57674 16.5   
 8 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Hispanic            1780       57674  3.09  
 9 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Asian Pacific …       95       57674  0.165 
10 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         Native American       13       57674  0.0225
# ℹ 16,100 more rows

Notice there are 16,110 rows…

Narrow down the rows

  • We want one row for every county
  • Use the filter() function
county_diversity_percent_plurality <-
  county_diversity_percent |>
  group_by(NAME) |>
  arrange(NAME, desc(percent)) |>

# A tibble: 3,222 × 5
   NAME                             race            estimate summary_est percent
   <chr>                            <chr>              <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Abbeville County, South Carolina White              16658       24368    68.4
 2 Acadia Parish, Louisiana         White              44413       57674    77.0
 3 Accomack County, Virginia        White              19813       33367    59.4
 4 Ada County, Idaho                White             411348      497494    82.7
 5 Adair County, Iowa               White               7046        7479    94.2
 6 Adair County, Kentucky           White              17308       18887    91.6
 7 Adair County, Missouri           White              22367       25299    88.4
 8 Adair County, Oklahoma           Native American     8468       19726    42.9
 9 Adams County, Colorado           White             247045      520149    47.5
10 Adams County, Idaho              White               4009        4464    89.8
# ℹ 3,212 more rows

Now there are 3,222 rows.

Which lines up with the county count in the U.S.

Narrow down the rows II

  • Use the slice() function
county_diversity_percent_plurality <-
  county_diversity_percent |>
  group_by(NAME) |>
  arrange(NAME, desc(percent)) |>

Case study: Evictions in San Diego

sd_evictions <- read_csv("san_diego_evictions.csv")
Rows: 736 Columns: 2
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): GEOID
dbl (1): total_evictions

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 736 × 2
   GEOID       total_evictions
   <chr>                 <dbl>
 1 06073000100               1
 2 06073000201               2
 3 06073000202               4
 4 06073000301               2
 5 06073000302              10
 6 06073000400               6
 7 06073000500               3
 8 06073000600               2
 9 06073000700               3
10 06073000800              20
# ℹ 726 more rows

Go back and modify your code

Copy and paste over the code you worked so hard on and change the geography and add state and county.

sd_tract_diversity <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
                              state = "California",
                              county = "San Diego",
                            variables = c("B03002_003", # white alone
                                          "B03002_004", # black alone
                                          "B03002_005", # native american
                                          "B03002_006", # asian alone
                                          "B03002_007", # pi alone
                                          "B03002_012" # hispanic or latino
                            summary_var = "B03002_001", # total population
Getting data from the 2018-2022 5-year ACS

Wrangle the census tract data

Nothing changes except the names of the data frames

sd_tract_diversity_plurality <- sd_tract_diversity |> 
      variable=="B03002_003" ~"White",
      variable=="B03002_004" ~"Black",
      variable=="B03002_005" ~"Native American",
      variable=="B03002_006" ~"Asian Pacific Islander",
      variable=="B03002_007" ~"Asian Pacific Islander",
      variable=="B03002_012" ~"Hispanic",
      .default = "Other"
    )) |>
  group_by(GEOID, NAME, race) |>
  summarize(estimate=sum(estimate, na.rm=T),
            summary_est=mean(summary_est, na.rm=T)) |>
  mutate(percent=estimate/summary_est*100) |>
  group_by(GEOID, NAME) |>
  arrange(GEOID, NAME, desc(percent)) |>
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'GEOID', 'NAME'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

# A tibble: 737 × 5
   GEOID       race  estimate summary_est percent
   <chr>       <chr>    <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 06073000100 White     2116        3027    69.9
 2 06073000201 White     1926        2294    84.0
 3 06073000202 White     2873        3919    73.3
 4 06073000301 White     1331        2340    56.9
 5 06073000302 White     2182        2934    74.4
 6 06073000400 White     1984        3802    52.2
 7 06073000500 White     2002        2934    68.2
 8 06073000600 White     2044        3144    65.0
 9 06073000700 White     2934        4631    63.4
10 06073000800 White     3097        5257    58.9
# ℹ 727 more rows

Join data

  • Using inner_join() from dplyr
sd_joined <- inner_join(sd_tract_diversity_plurality, sd_evictions)

Joining with `by = join_by(GEOID)`
# A tibble: 736 × 6
   GEOID       race  estimate summary_est percent total_evictions
   <chr>       <chr>    <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>           <dbl>
 1 06073000100 White     2116        3027    69.9               1
 2 06073000201 White     1926        2294    84.0               2
 3 06073000202 White     2873        3919    73.3               4
 4 06073000301 White     1331        2340    56.9               2
 5 06073000302 White     2182        2934    74.4              10
 6 06073000400 White     1984        3802    52.2               6
 7 06073000500 White     2002        2934    68.2               3
 8 06073000600 White     2044        3144    65.0               2
 9 06073000700 White     2934        4631    63.4               3
10 06073000800 White     3097        5257    58.9              20
# ℹ 726 more rows

Summarize the evictions data

Now you can answer which neighborhoods in San Diego had the higher eviction rates.

sd_joined |>
  group_by(race) |>
  summarize(population=sum(summary_est, na.rm=T),
            total_evictions=sum(total_evictions, na.rm=T)) |>
  mutate(rate_of_evictions=total_evictions/population*1000) |>
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  race                   population total_evictions rate_of_evictions
  <chr>                       <dbl>           <dbl>             <dbl>
1 Black                          36               1             27.8 
2 Hispanic                  1123001            2121              1.89
3 White                     1968310            2816              1.43
4 Asian Pacific Islander     198354             212              1.07